Monday, 19 May 2008

Paris thoughts

This week I will be thinking of visits to Paris
made alone, working, and also a special one
which I made to take my 15 year old nephew
for his birthday
as the book which records that visit is
shown in Wombourne Village
and then I hope that it will be seen in Paris
by those who know me there
I made this drawing sitting in the Cafe
as my nephew crossed the square to buy cards and stamps
for his parents
He became quite used to living as a French student
would, which is what I had intended and I enjoyed this unusual visit too
Paris so delightful all the time, invited me to be interviewed by a television crew
and to share my thoughts on this City which inspires me to draw and photograph it every time,
just to keep it at the front of my thoughts..through my book and drawings I now share my Paris
in its romantic moods with those who read my words and see my drawings made, first, just for myself,
as always, but for all to see.........perhaps one day I will return ........
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1 comment:

Nika said...

Paris is so elegant and beautiful. Even in pencil you can see how wonderful it is!!!