Thursday, 24 December 2009

Indonesia Embassy meeting

In May at the Embassy we discussed the types of visitors
who go to Indonesia and who influence its future, its trade, horticulture,
banking, tourism...all the many aspects of a country's development
as it seeks a better environment for its people
further education, and enhanced international contacts.
As a Member of the G20, Indonesia has an important role to play
which reflects its status, and also places responsibilities on it
as other Members of G20 have,
to go to the Conference table, not only considering its own
future and prosperity
but that of the wider world which it can now influence
and affect

Whilst Indonesia is still a developing country
I think that it has the potential for much greater things,
it has an opportunity now to develop its democracy and become an
influencing factor on those countries who may seek democracy..but do not yet have it a working environment
Indonesia as a developing country is, in many ways, easier for other less developed countries to relate
to ..and so it has a great responsibility it is easier for the other countries to seek contacts, knowledge and relationships,
it is often difficult for those in a less developed nation to understand how the centuries old democracies can work..often
very little is written down..and if it can be couched in complicated language
The language of a nation which has similar problems to that of Indonesia can better relate to it ..maybe it can even help it
in its own struggle...
for that it what it educate, feed, house, set up farming, businesses, banks and all the systems and infrastructure which it
needs ....
I know that my own support for these vital, serious efforts are welcomed, and hope that those with whom I have discussed this
vast nation will be able also to contribute to its future ..which can sometimes be made so difficult by the violent weather conditions
which it other nations in the region
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