Thursday, 26 May 2011

John Key at The Penthouse New Zealand House breakfast

It has been a long wait for the arrival of John Key in England
Firstly the earthquake which damaged Christchurch,
which everyone thought would be the last one........
then the mine disaster which escalated when it was
confirmed that gases prevented rescue............
Afterwards, this year, the second..
and much more destructive earthquake which brought much of the
centre of the City down to rubble............................................................
Where I used to work ..and where I lived.... no longer the green city with beautiful old buildings..
I still hear from some there and one has a family member who did not emerge from the
CTV building....and this lady and those others are in our thoughts..
I have New Zealand passport and citizenship, and this, my other home,
has suffered, and has a long rebuilding process to develop
Should anyone reading this wish to support the development work
I am able to pass on anything suitable......and although New Zealand does not ask for help
I am pleased to support anything to alleviate in some way these situations

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