Thursday, 12 January 2012

Kuala Lumpur visit

When I stayed in Kuala Lumpur last time
there were so many new things which I had
not seen when I lived there.. was to live out of town go to small streetside
restaurants which were not so busy.....
unlike the ones in centre city which I was used to visiting...

I had the long commute out of the city...........
even London traffic did not feel to be so bad
after these journeys.............
however the destination a quiet secluded street..
peaceful evenings when I was at home..
seemed to compensate for the journeys..
this was such an evening
.............. with my hosts...........
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Trevor Krueger said...

Aa so lovely to eat in the streets of Malaysia. I love how KL transforms at night from car parks to a mass of street vendors selling great food. It's the same in Singapore. How I wish I was out there now. I love both places and feel so at home there.

Trevor Krueger said...

Really getting itchy fee and need to travel soon. The World is a wonderful place full of adventures waiting to unfold and not to travel is like not taking a book off the shelf to read it. Get away as often as you can and choose somewhere different and exciting. Don't be a beach bore - explore more!