Monday, 9 November 2009

Himley England

Where I am now is delightful countryside
populated by very few people ....and many horses
The only drawback is, I suppose, too much rural life..which I love..but also for me, I have much of
my creative stimulus from Cities, towns, architecture, buildings,
interspersed with sea,trees, meadows..
Anyone who has seen my work will know this
and understand that, for me the
whole world is place which stimulates my work

Brisbane Churches ..Malaysia ..beaches..Mosques..New Zealand ..historic Library in Remuera..Wellington
The Saint Pauls Dome.. Trafalgar Square..Hong Kong waterfront
so soon I will take time to look at my home town again
I do hope that one day more of my readers will give me their thoughts ..................
that always makes it more exciting ..than in already is to be able to draw each, and every thing,
photograph it, and treasure each moment in retrospect
enjoyment ..............................rural life
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The best of New Zealand

I was, when I returned to New Zealand, asked by Michael Guy,
an old friend, if I would like to be his Consultant, and illustrate his
third edition of
The best of New Zealand

It was nice working with Michael, as we had discussed the possibility
of my producing a book with him
Whilst this is not book
it is a very nice combination of his writing and publishing
expertise, my own, and my drawings ........
He selected the subjects and I had great fun
undertaking his suggested illustrations
This book sold widely in New Zealand, USA and maybe, but
I am not sure in Asia Michael was, like myself, quite at home there too.........
Wherever he is now..I hope that one day he will see this copy
on my antique Japanese table..
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